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Can Eco Friendly Trash Bags Exist?

    Raise your hand if you’ve managed to achieve zero waste while raising kids and keeping your sanity.


    Look, while I’m working hard on reducing waste and cutting back on single-use plastic, the reality is we still produce trash in this household. So I decided to find out whether there was a better choice for our regular plastic bags (I was pretty sure there was) and find the best eco friendly trash bags.

    What’s so bad about regular trash bags?

    When people think of single-use plastics, I think they tend to focus on water bottles and grocery shopping. But, your standard tall kitchen trash bags are really no different.

    Alternatives to Conventional Plastic Trash Bags

    OK, so I’ve sold you on avoiding traditional plastic bags; but what are you supposed to use in your trash cans instead? Here are some potentially better alternatives:

      • Compostable garbage bags: Compostable means that the materials can fully break down and then become beneficial for your soil. To be considered compostable, there are criteria to be met including that the product needs to physically break down, be consumed by microorganisms, and the resulting post-composting process can’t be harmful to plant growth.
        • Compostable plastics are a great option for people who live in an area that offers curbside composting programs or if you have access to industrial composting facilities.
        • However if your trash is just going to a landfill, then most landfills don’t support the right conditions for composting to occur, so your bag is still going to decompose and release harmful gasses if you don’t dispose of it properly.
      • Biodegradable garbage bags: Biodegradable is a tricky word. Merriam-Webster defines it as “capable of being broken down, especially into innocuous products by the action of living things (such as microorganisms).” But the Oxford and Cambridge Dictionaries include the stipulation, “in a way that is not harmful to the environment.”
        • While biodegradable bags are designed to break down, it’s important to understand what they’re made of and how they’ll break down.
      • Bioplastics: Hailed as a great alternative to plastics because they are made with renewable and plant-based materials and are thought to break down better than traditional plastics.
        • However, to be considered a bioplastic, states that “a material only needs 20 percent of renewable material; the other 80 percent could be fossil fuel-based plastic resins and synthetic additives.” Yikes.
        • Additionally, manufacturing bioplastics have a not insignificant carbon footprint, so it’s by no means a perfect solution.
      • Recycled Plastic Bags: Yes, it’s possible to purchase trash bags made with recycled materials, which is a plus because they don’t require the raw materials to make new plastics.
        • If you’re going to purchase recycled plastic bags, make sure you understand what percentage of recycled content is used. More is better in this case!
      • Reusable Trash Bags: More manufacturers are making trash bags that are strong and durable and intended to be washed and reused after each use. This could save you money, but also requires more effort.
        • I think this is a great alternative for people who are already composting, as much of your food scraps and organic materials will go into compost and you have a much lower volume of true trash you’re working with.


    As usual, this is clear as mud, right?

    So What Are The Best Eco Friendly Trash Bags?

    First, an important caveat is that “eco friendly trash bag” is kind of an oxymoron – trash is never really eco friendly. So I hope it goes without saying that the best way to be environmentally friendly is to reduce our household waste overall so we produce less trash.

    :: Steps off soapbox ::

    Next, please don’t hate me – the best trash bag really depends!

    If you regularly compost, you can always line your compost bins with newspaper or paper bags, but using compostable bags is also a good option when disposed of properly. Compostable bags come in different sizes, too, so make sure you’re selecting the one that best fits your needs. I hope composting becomes more accessible in the United States, as it’s such a great option for food scraps and reducing kitchen waste!

    The next best option is a reusable trash bag. I realize this is not for the faint of heart, it requires a lot of effort – especially for those with young families that don’t have a lot of extra time. I always say that the best choice is one that is realistic for you to stick with and make a part of your daily life.

    If you’re sending your trash to a landfill, then my recommendation is a recycled plastic bag. Don’t forget to check to look for a high percentage of recycled material!

    Have you thought about swapping out regular plastic garbage bags to reduce your environmental impact? Chime in below in the comments!

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